How Root Canal Treatment Can Prevent Future Dental Issues

How Root Canal Treatment Can Prevent Future Dental Issues from King Dentistry in Turlock, CAA root canal treatment is an optimal way to restore your tooth. It is also an effective way to protect your tooth. Dental damage can result from an injury or decay. Tooth extraction is an easy solution but keeping your natural tooth structure is healthier. If you want to know how a root canal treatment can ward off future dental problems, here are the details.

Why a root canal treatment is a better solution

A natural tooth will always be superior to any teeth-replacement system. The feeling of a natural tooth gives a person self-assurance. A treatment capable of keeping natural teeth can help maintain a person’s dental health. This can lead to the survival of natural teeth for the rest of a person’s life.

A dental extraction is not always the answer to every dental problem. Being ready for dental treatments is key to keeping natural teeth. Having a dental extraction in the back of the mouth may be hidden, but a missing tooth will impact a person’s quality of life. The gap left by a missing tooth will make the neighboring teeth shift. This will not make eating or speaking easy.

Maintaining natural teeth is better than getting teeth replacements. Dealing with additional dental visits will always accompany teeth replacements. It is a good thing modern endodontics offers advancements in materials, technologies, and procedures. This gives patients treatment choices for saving their teeth.

Choosing root canal treatment is always better than a dental implant, dentures, or fixed bridges. Asking for a root canal option will give the patient a chance to keep the natural tooth structure. Having this treatment is painless. It is less painful than a tooth extraction.

How a root canal treatment can save a tooth

A chip, crack, or dental decay can cause trauma to the tooth. These may also cause bacteria to penetrate the pulp. The pulp suffers from inflammation due to infection. This can also lead to an abscess. A root canal treatment leads to the removal of the infected pulp.

The dentist cleans out the tooth and disinfects it. Filling and sealing the tooth with gutta-percha come next. A dental crown will restore the tooth. It will hold the tooth together and protect it from future damage.

The preventive benefits

A root canal treatment can prevent infection from spreading to the neighboring teeth. The dentist must remove the infection from one tooth. This will prevent the infection from spreading to the neighboring healthy teeth. The treatment will prevent the infection from spreading deep into the gums and into the jawbone as well.

This treatment can prevent jawbone loss. Keeping the natural tooth roots in the jawbone will tell the body to keep sending nutrients to the bone for repair. This will then prevent the jawbone from losing bone mass. The tooth will keep having the strong dental support from the surrounding bone and soft tissues.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Root Canal Treatment in Turlock, CA

Your root canal treatment can prevent future dental problems

Your natural teeth will always be the most expensive dental investment you have. After all, you have been caring for them since they have erupted. Keeping them intact is the main goal of a root canal treatment. This procedure will also help prevent future dental problems.

Request an appointment or call King Dentistry at 209-585-1474 for an appointment in our Turlock office.

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